Inequality is a many-headed dragon.
It's not just about gender, skin color or orientation. Also about rich and poor, young and old, highly or poorly educated, powerful or not, do you have a network? This version at the van Nelle factory was specially made for ArtRotterdam:
“As an outsider, Rotterdam artist Jeroen Hoogstraten placed this work next to the van Nelle factory during ArtRotterdam. It is part of a global series of Panoramas about equality and inequality. The pedestal itself makes it possible to stand at exactly the same distance from each other. In this version the spot is occupied by the same statue four times. This creates a tension of possible meanings. It has been given the working title 'Coffee, tea, bronze and gold' and asks questions about the value of raw materials, art and people, but especially about equality and inequality. What determines that you are part of the art world as a visitor, artist or gallery owner and that you are not in De Schie prison across the canal?"